Search Results
Early Detection Surveillance of Grass Carp: Captures and Response Efforts
An Update on Canada’s Asian Carp Early Detection Surveillance Program and Response Actions
Detection & Removal of Asian Carps During Response Activities in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin
Grass Carp Egg Sampling in Known Lake Erie Spawning Tributaries and Beyond
Socio Economic Risk Assessment of the Presence of Grass Carp in the Great Lakes Basin
Asian Carp Information Session: The Threat of Grass Carp to the Canadian Waters of the Great Lakes
An Overview of Canada's Asian Carp Early Detection Monitoring Program: David Marson
The Search for Asian Carp: A Day with the TRCA Monitoring Crew!
Perspectives on Asian Carp Prevention in Canada: DFO Program Biologist
Surveillance De La Detection Precoce
"The Threat of Grass Carp to the Great Lakes" webinar with Liana Hryniewicz
Grass Carp Information Session